What should the May ‘19 Patreon theme be?
Fae Apoc post-apoc (Setting)
Things Unspoken (Setting)
Dragons Next Door (Setting)
Tír na Cali (Setting)
Expectant Woods (Setting)
Portalbound (Setting)
Doors (setting)
The Agency [A Tir-na-Cali Procedural] (setting)
The Spring that has Sprung (motif)
mermaids (motif)
Dragons (motif)
Pins and needles (motif)
Graduation (motif)
Flowers (motif)
New Holidays (motif)
Dress-up (motif)
Gates, borders, and crossings (motif)
Motherhood (motif)
Demifiction (type) (non-fiction in fictional settings)
Encyclopedia Worldia (type) (All About The Worlds)
What SETTINGS should be in the June 2019 Theme Poll? (Settings Only)
What should the July 2019 Theme Poll Options be?
What should the August 2019 Theme Poll Options be?